Lords Of Xulima Well Of Souls

Yeah, most of my strategies were pretty basic:- equip philosopher (+3% XP) or prophet (+5% XP) gear wherever possible- max out learning at the first possible opportunity (lvl 37)- take XP quest options wherever possible (ie. Destroying the Yul statues rather than praying to them; killing Xabraluz rather than solving his puzzle, etc)- avoid completing quests which will make enemies disappear before you have a chance to kill them (ie. Don't kill Nabros or Khornil before you've had a chance to kill ALL of their soldiers, including those stationed outside the castles, etc)- clear every map (to be honest, this got quite tedious in places - Rasmura, Vilak and the Devonia Ancient Ruins come to mind.).Other strategies were a little more. After my characters were settled at lvl 40, all of my spare cash went into buying items from the weapons dealers to drop into a Well of Souls. Since I dropped probably 1mil worth of items into the Wells - and keeping in mind you get 10% of the item value of a good back as XP - I probably made myself another 100,000 XP just from this method (you can get an even better return if you max out mercantilism - this way you'll be getting closer to 15% of what you spend back as XP). Then there is a further synergy with the Talisman of Golot: since every item dropped into a Well gives you back 0.5% energy, 40 items = 20 talisman energy, which can be traded in for more gold, with which you can buy more items to drop into a Well. (It's not really an exploit, since the returns diminish quite quickly and ultimately converge to zero - but it does help stretch your gold ever so slightly further.)Towards the end of the game, you can really start raking XP in.

A user may only post 3 sales posts within a day. Game

Characters fully kitted out in prophet gear with lvl 30 learning are getting between +100% and +120% XP - so you are essentially doubling all XP acquisition after about lvl 40 (when you should be able to achieve both of these conditions). The only variable really is the rate of prophet gear acquisition. I got lucky in my game, picking up some nice prophet vests and a lot of prophet rings quite early on. I guess if I didn't come across prophet or even philosopher gear until much later in the game, I might have finished up a few levels below where I did.As you can probably tell, I really enjoyed the process of maxing out my levels during my last game.:) And it raised some very interesting trade-offs:- Armour and gear: Prioritising prophet gear meant my characters were more or less 'stuck' at their base attributes. I couldn't give them +80 defence armour, or +4 to all stats rings, or +25 HP necklaces. Their base stats alone determined how they operated in battle. HOWEVER, the trade-off for this was that, at higher levels, the base stats of my characters were fairly impressive.

Jelly jumper game. 今日はあまり遊べなかったThe Chosenおじさん達きたー!と思ったら、すぐに「ハイ、解散!」でした。アイテムの種類は御三家より少なそうで、装備箇所も少ないし、生まれついてのB級君なのかもしれないけど、ビルド構築はそこそこ奥深いというか遊べそう。前回書いたデーモン召喚なんだ.

All characters had speed over 100, with most other stats between 60-80. Evasion was between 140-180.- Training: Towards the end of the game, all my spare cash was going into buying items for the Wells of Souls - so no money for training. I also had to invest 61 skill points for each character to max out learning. HOWEVER, the trade-off here was that, by reaching higher levels, I gained extra skill points to compensate for this. For example, a lvl 70 character will gain an extra 80 skill points over a lvl 50 character.- Game time: I'll be honest - my strategy did lead to a fair bit of micromanagement. I wasn't able to finally clear Khornil's castle until lvl 25 (I think), because I had to wait until I could take out his blue soldiers.

Similarly for Nabros, since I couldn't finish his castle until I had cleared the guards stationed on the Nabros roads. In the meantime, I had to level up in places that were probably meant to be done AFTER finishing Nabros and Khornil (ie. The Kersket desert, the Karraga highlands). This led to a lot of criss-crossing over the map, and some deliberate strategic thinking.In the end, I'm not sure whether maxing out levels necessarily made the end game any easier. I started feeling like I was overpowered for ordinary monster groups, but sometimes a little exposed against the big bosses (especially Xabraluz). This could perhaps come down to my relatively weak gear and overall lack of armour (since I was wearing underpowered prophet gear and didn't have any stats boosters).

Great post geddon2, I have followed your recommendations and ended up at levels 77 - 79. I believe a party of all above 80 is possible, but requires an even greater portion of time and patience that I was able to give.

Here some of my additional pointers on how to max out level:- first of all, play the lowest difficulty setting (normal). This doesn't have an effect on the XP gained from killing monsters, but it does on the amount of money you'll get from chests/barrels/etc.

As you'll be dropping everything into the Well of Souls, money equals XP- include Divine Summoner into your party. They have the possibility to summon Herald of Golot, which provides extra money for each monster materialized.

Also, throughout the game, spend ALL your Energy and PP boosting bonuses on your Summoner. Invest into your summon skills (+PP/duration)- include a fighter with Mercantile skill.

As geddon2 mentioned, the XP gained from gold is 10% but with maxed out Mercantile it's 15%. Bard is the obvious choice but you can also use other fighters who have it as a secondary skill.- the only fight you'll have without any XP boosting equipment is the group of three goblins on your starting beach. Let me explain - Velegarn allows you to gain unlimited money by means of it's cereal plant field. It produces 52 cereal plants every 2 days. For a bundle of 20 the farmer there will pay you 50 gold. What you want to do is to gain the highest possible encumberance level (80%) which makes game-time pass more quickly, and then pass those 2 days in Velegarn by running around.

80% encumberance takes some time to gather - start by removing all your weapons from your fighters hands into your backpack, and then it just takes patience. Once you have your 80%, as a rule of a thumb, a round around the ceral field will 'consume' 5 hours of game-time. 5 rounds and it's a day, 10 rounds and you have your 52 cereal plants.

When I first left Velegarn it was day 224 and I had on ALL my fighters ALL the available armor spots filled with philosopher/prophet gear. There is another component to this which I'll explain in the next point- learn how the shops refresh their stock. I can tell you what I've found out - a shop's inventory refreshe's every 6 or 8 days. Mostly 6 but you have from time to time an 8 days cycle (every 3rd/4th maybe?). If you by an item, it get's replaced in the inventory with the same item after 2 days. So, le'ts say it's the first day of a 6 day refresh cycle.

Lords Of Xulima Well Of Souls

You buy the item the first time, wait 2 days, buy it again, wait 2 days, buy it again. 3 identical items (4 if you have a 8 day cycle) can be bought. This works very well when you try to equip your whole party. One more important rule - there is no randomization, in other words, at day one it is already set what will be in store on day 200. You just have to get there.

I used to save my game and spend my money on food to be able to wait and see what kind of items are coming up. When I exited Velegarn on day 224, I was already aware that nothing interesting will come up until day 300. A caveat to this last rule - there is a event in the game that randomizes the inventory. I'm not sure which one but I think it's defeating the Impious prince ruling the town. Once I defeating Nengroth and came back to Velegarn I found that the items changed.

But it could have been an event that was before that (the opening of a new main quest line perhaps?)- wait until lvl 30 Knowledge of Herbs.- farm Liches and the like for extra money (is this an exploit? Sorry if so) Even though their summons don't give you any extra XP, you can still materialize them for extra money. The more PP your summoner has, the more you'll get.This is it. I haven't followed all these rules to the letter (I gave many Energy boosts to my Bard for instance) so I think 80+ level is doable. This was a great play-through for me, thanks again geddon2!

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