New World Order Conspiracy

Apr 15, 2020  I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I investigate conspiracy theories and I gather evidence before I believe anything anyone purports to be true. 8-10 years ago this New World Order topic came to my attention, and along with it, the One World Government plans. At the time, I remember reading that the American mainstream media was calling the New World Order a 'conspiracy theory' and denied that. - Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Politcs, and other.

Question: 'What is the New World Order?' Answer:The New World Order is a conspiracy theory which posits a new period of history bringing about a major change in the world with the balance of world power. This New World Order is theorized by some to involve a group or groups of elitist people bent on ruling the world through a single worldwide system of government.

The appeal of this New World Order lies in its proposal to free the world of wars and political strife, and its promises to eradicate poverty, disease, and hunger. Its purpose is to meet the needs and hopes of all mankind through worldwide peace.Also labeled the new “era of globalization,” this New World Order will supposedly do away with the need for diverse world governments. This will be accomplished by the installation of a one-world political system or body. One means to achieve this is by eliminating all lines and borders demarcating the nations of the world.

To effect all this change, it is believed that the New World Order will emphasize tolerance through the promotion and acceptance of other cultures and their values and ideologies. Its ultimate goal is a sense of unity and oneness with all people speaking the same language. Other objectives include the use of a single, world-wide currency, as well as oneness in politics, religion, and moral values. As a result, conspiracy theorists believe, the world will be under one rule, that of one government that promises worldwide peace, the absence of war, and the elimination of all political unrest.Though it may be agreed that man needs hope in order to endure this life and have peace of mind, the problem lies in where man searches for such hope. The Scriptures are clear concerning all these things. As Christians, we are commanded to obey and respect those in authority, including our government.

However, we can easily see that there are some severe consequences of such a New World Order, both from an economic and a religious standpoint (Romans 13:1-7; Acts 5:29).The problem with the acceptance and approval of any New World Order is that no government has ever offered, nor will it ever offer, real hope and peace for mankind. When man turns to government to provide worldwide peace and hope, he becomes disillusioned and enslaved by its false promises. History has proven time and again that no quasi-world empire has ever survived, simply because of its innate flaws of greed, corruption, and quest for power.Those who desire the ushering in of a New World Order, whether secular or religious, are in for a rude awakening. The truth is that false religious teachings cannot bring utopia into being, regardless of man’s creativity and ingenuity. Only heaven brings lasting peace and happiness. The Bible makes it very clear that all things associated with this life on earth with its sufferings, its decay, its discontent, and death will continue with this physical life (2 Corinthians 4:16; Hebrews 9:27).

It is also clear that all these things are completely unknown in the heavenly city (Revelation 21:3-7 and Revelation 22). They will be done away with.

Yes, hope is needed. But it is the hope of heaven we need, not the false hope of a New World Order. The one hope for all believers lies only in heaven (John 14:1-4). It is not here on this earth.Recommended Resource.

The only thing that stands in their way is—take your pick—the Second Amendment, Twitter, or Donald Trump.Conspiracy theorists have, in fact, been warning about just such a New World Order for decades, going all the way back to the of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and to fears about the United Nations in the post-World War II moment. During the Cold War, the John Birch Society and fringe elements of the Republican Party nurtured just such anti-globalist sentiments, but they never made much headway in the mainstream world. As the Cold War ended, however, the anti-globalist virus began to spread again, this time more rapidly, and it’s threatening to become a pandemic. Such characteristics made him particularly vulnerable to attacks from the far right. Preacher Pat Robertson, for instance, disliked Bush’s staid Episcopalianism and resented losing to the future president in the 1988 Republican primaries.

In his 1991 best seller, The New World Order, Robertson refocused all his ire on the president’s presumed global ambitions. “Is George Bush merely an idealist or are there now plans underway to merge the interests of the US and the Soviet Union in the United Nations?” he and then, of course, provided the answer:“A single thread runs from the White House to the State Department to the Council on Foreign Relations to the Trilateral Commission to secret societies to extreme New Agers. There must be a new world order. There must be world government, a world police force, world courts, world banking and currency, and a world elite in charge of it all.” Current Issue. Though that 1991 book is largely forgotten, the televangelist’s attacks on Bush’s “globalism” resurfaced again and again in different forms. Beginning in 1994, for instance, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins’ Left Behind series spun Robertson’s dire predictions of a one-world government into 16 novels and several dreadful movies. Just to ensure that readers wouldn’t miss their point, they even installed the anti-Christ of the United Nations.

More recently, Donald Trump’s on Hillary Clinton’s elitism echoed some of the very themes Robertson had sounded almost three decades earlier.Oddly, though, Bush and Robertson agreed on one thing, on which they even found common ground with former Vice President Al Gore: the importance of.As president, Bush a number of environmental initiatives related to air quality, ozone depletion, and climate change more generally. In 1992, his administration even a tepid “action plan,” Agenda 21, that came out of that year’s global environmental meeting in Rio de Janeiro. In reality, it was just another of an endless stream of documents produced by such environmental conferences. For some Americans, however, those two words came to evoke the most terrifying aspect of the Bush era, proof positive that he was covertly constructing the very New World Order that he had invoked.Perhaps the leading proponent of Agenda 21 conspiracy theories has been TV and radio personality Glenn Beck. In 2012, he even published a dystopian novel called (you won’t be surprised to learn) Agenda 21. In it, he and co-author Harriet Parke fingered environmentalists as the true agents of the coming apocalypse and issued dire warnings about climate change becoming the lever a future global authority would use to eradicate national sovereignty and enslave Americans to a collective vision.

“Just a generation ago, this place was called America,” Beck and Parke. “Now, after the worldwide implementation of a UN-led program called Agenda 21, it’s simply known as ‘the Republic.’ There is no president. No Supreme Court. No freedom.”. Once you start looking for Agenda 21, it pops up in all sorts of strange places.

Newt Gingrich ran for president in 2012 with a to rescind the “plan.” Ted Cruz linked it to—you guessed it—George Soros and that its implementation would deprive Americans of their right to play golf (no joke). Most recently, and Twitter have lit up with contrived reports that Agenda 21, not climate change, was somehow responsible for the latest California wildfires.And here’s the truly bizarre part: While Glenn Beck, Newt Gingrich, Ted Cruz, and the rest of them were nattering on about an obscure, non-binding U.N. Document, they were missing the real story. A nightmarish New World Order was indeed being constructed around them. It’s global, malevolent, aimed at destroying ever more American lives, and—according to a recent Trump administration —getting worse by the minute.

The Real New World OrderA significant number of Americans believe that they’re still relatively safe behind the walls of Donald Trump’s Fortress America. Homeland Security protects them from international terrorists. Border patrol agents block caravans of refugees and asylum-seekers. By refusing to ratify membership in institutions like the International Criminal Court, Congress keeps the United States safe from foreign influences. President Trump has only reinforced such feelings by pulling the United States out of international pacts like the Paris climate accord and global bodies like the.Because the world keeps knocking on America’s door, the present wave of nationalist politicians has added a few more locks for safety’s sake.

All such precautions, however, have done nothing to prevent the establishment of an actual New World Order on American soil. Yes, it’s happened, even if the conspiracy mongers haven’t cared to notice.There is indeed a new global order. Interviewing people affected by last year’s prairie fires in the Midwest, for instance, the New Yorker’s Ian Frazier an extraordinary level of denial:“No one I talked to in Kansas told me that he believed in climate change.

Prevailing opinion holds that nothing about the recent extreme weather here is much different from what’s always been. People say that Native Americans sometimes used prairie fires as an environmental tool.”Yet the recent fires were both unprecedented and part of a longer-term transformation of the Great Plains from irrigated farmland into what will someday be a spreading desert thanks to rising temperatures and extreme weather above ground and the beneath it.

And this time, the dispossessed Midwesterners are unlikely to be able to relocate to California, as they did when dust storms hit in the 1930s, because the West Coast will have supporting even its existing agriculture.If all the death and destruction connected to this New World Order were simply the result of periodic shifts in the life cycle of the planet—as some climate-change deniers —then humans could just prepare for the inevitable, dinosaur-style extinction to come. But that’s hardly the case.

Climate change is the direct result of human action—and some humans are so much more responsible than others.Blame the GlobalistsFrom 2006 through 2016, before he served briefly as secretary of state, Rex Tillerson was the head of ExxonMobil. He was supposed to be a cleaner, greener Big Energy CEO, but during his tenure he the company’s basic DNA of drill, drill, drill. He entered into murky energy deals with Russia, Iraqi Kurdistan, and Saudi Arabia. Worse, he attempted to profit off climate change by, among other things, expanding operations into a rapidly warming Arctic.

Even though he publicly acknowledged global warming—with plenty of caveats and misstatements—he also funnel millions of dollars to climate denial groups and suitably climate-denying politicians.Not much changed when Tillerson became Trump’s first secretary of state. He failed to prevent the president from withdrawing from the Paris climate accord. He dutifully new rules to facilitate the international funding of coal-fired power plants.

And he presided over a of the State Department meant to hamper its ability to address global issues like climate change.Through it all, however, Rex Tillerson remained just the kind of globalist that Donald Trump had railed against as a presidential candidate. While head of Exxon, he had, for instance, been a at the World Economic Forum at Davos as well as in the Clinton Global Initiative. Ultimately, Trump his secretary of state for having “totally establishment” views on foreign policy before unceremoniously firing him by tweet.But there’s the establishment Trump likes and the establishment he doesn’t.

Despite their very public falling out, the president has always admired establishment types in the Tillerson mold, those who belong to the international network of fossil fuel execs (oil, gas, and coal) chiefly responsible for building the New World Order of climate change. Rockefeller, Hunt, Getty, Mellon, Drake, Buffet, Koch, and Icahn: These are the globalists who set in motion the transformation of our world in which a growing dependency on fossil fuels morphed into an economic system geared to ever-expanding exploitation of such resources, and finally to an ecosystem on the verge of catastrophe.Keep in mind that this is exactly what Donald Trump grew up with in fossil-fueled New York City in the 1950s and 1960s. Fuzion frenzy for new xbox one x. It’s what he’s still for. Hence, his push for the United States to become “” by extracting every last drop of fossil fuel from land, sea, and ice. Hence, his close relationships with petro-autocrats, especially Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

This is, in short, his kind of globalism, and it’s now fully embedded in the White House, his administration, and Washington.The U.N.? George Soros?

Peanuts compared to the real globalists, the ones who have controlled the supply and pricing of energy for more than a century and now have a representative sitting in the Oval Office. Think of it as a magician’s classic misdirection trick: Look over there at Agenda 21, while the real globalists pick your pocket and poison your world.

As environmentalist Bill McKibben has, the latest generation of fossil-fuel globalists knew exactly what they were doing (and what the consequences would be) when they devoted immense amounts of money to emphasizing “the uncertainty” of the science of climate change.The magician David Copperfield once that the Statue of Liberty had disappeared. The present crew of magical globalists have done him one better. They have been surprisingly successful in creating the illusion that the New World Order of climate change doesn’t exist when the proof is increasingly all around us.There’s no conspiracy, no weather mafia, but the United States is nonetheless firmly in the grip of a New World Order. Many thousands have already lost their lives, their liberty, or their ability to pursue happiness thanks to the global forces now being loosed on our planet—and the more the United States has asserted its exceptionalism in recent years, the more it has proven to be no exception to the rules of climate change.Here’s the rub: It’s long past the warning stage.

Metaphorically speaking, the black helicopters have already landed on the White House lawn (and probably in your own backyard as well). A New World Order is indeed beginning to tyrannize America and Donald Trump is encouraging the globalists responsible to do even more of the same. The only way to address this ultimate threat is through the sort of international cooperation that the anti-globalists fear the most, a linking of arms across the rising seas to defeat a malign global force and the powerful elite that maintains it.This challenge requires the equivalent of war against something as evil as totalitarianism. Anything less would be like trying to put out a wildfire with gasoline or like spitting into a (Category 5) hurricane. Anything less would be an epoch fail.

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