Rise Of Prussia Video Guide

In the aftermath of World War II, Prussia-a centuries-old state pivotal to Europe's development-ceased to exist. In their eagerness to erase all traces of the Third Reich from the earth, the Allies believed that Prussia, the very embodiment of German militarism, had to be abolished.But as Christopher Clark reveals in this pioneering history, Prussia's legacy is far more complex. Though now a fading memory in Europe's heartland, the true story of Prussia offers a remarkable glimpse into the dynamic rise of modern Europe.What we find is a kingdom that existed nearly half a millennium ago as a patchwork of territorial fragments, with neither significant resources nor a coherent culture. With its capital in Berlin, Prussia grew from being a small, poor, disregarded medieval state into one of the most vigorous and powerful nations in Europe. The Iron Kingdom is a fresh look at Prussia, and a correction of 20th Century propaganda against Germany's aggression during the two world wars.

Juiced pressery. In this lesson, we explore the creation and rise of the Prussian state during the 17th and early 18th centuries. Ancient Greece Study Guide.

But the book is not about correcting propaganda, but an attempt to understand the nature of 'Prussia' as a socio-political entity as it evolved over 300 years. Prussia was not 'statism' nor urban in essence, but agrarian and provincial in the minds of its people. The traditional separation of the military from civilian authority explains much of how the Nazis could take over, and also explains the prominence of Prussian officers and others in efforts to depose Hitler.

Recommendation: If you are looking for an in depth history of Prussia and pre-WWII Germany look no further. As a bonus there is a wealth of information on the Napoleonic Wars, the causes for the rise of the Third Reich and Kantian Philosophy. It takes some work but very rewarding.

Other readers have noted that this book takes a great deal of work to get 'into' and I suppose that is true but it is extremely rewarding. This is not something that you sit down with and lightly read, it does take some effort and I can't imagine reading it without access to the Internet and the ability to look up many of the references. This is incredibly well researched and offers a wide range of topics to interest any historical reader.

Personally, the descriptions of the enlightenment era of Frederick the Great and the strategies of the later Napoleonic Wars (presented from the Prussian viewpoint) were eye opening and I learned a great deal. I also found the section on Rosa Luxemburg and the Weimar riots excellent. Any book that forces you to delve deeper into other subjects and broaden your understanding is rare indeed and this book kept me searching. There is also a very well written discussion of the Battle of Jena-Auerstadt and you do come to understand how amazing it is that in a relatively short period of existence Prussia was amazingly influential. Clark's premise is that the Allies over reacted by eliminating Prussia after WWII is a little more curious. After completing the book and rereading certain sections it seemed to me that he was even in doubt on the subject, it seemed as if the end of Prussia was both necessary and inevitable.

I really do recommend this book and will leave it off with the essential quote from Rosa Luxemburg, because any society that can produce thought this insightful deserves to be remembered: Freedom only for the supporters of the government, only for the members of a party - however numerous they may be - is no freedom at all. Freedom is always the freedom of the dissenter. Not because of the fanaticism of 'justice', but rather because all that is instructive, wholesome, and purifying in political freedom depends on this essential characteristic, and its effects cease to work when 'freedom' becomes a privilege.


Over three hundred new leaders (some with individual portraits) and over 300 different units

10 Scenarios - 1 short Battle Scenarios Saxony 1756 to enter the game - 5 Annual Campaigns Scenarios, for each of 1757, 1758, 1759, 1760 and 1762 (extendable from one year to full war end of 1763 - duration play) - 1 Grand Campaign Scenario 1756-1764 with 176 turns - 3 Tutorial Scenarios

Map Area: all of Germany and vicinity covered, with over 1000 different regions, giving a lot of room for manoeuvres

Streamlined command system based on the hierarchy system seen in American Civil War and Napoleons Campaigns, allowing for historical army command, organization, and structure

New Events (according to scenarios) and wide set of options for you to customize your strategy (including a new multi-choice events system)

New Easy to Play Construction Mode

New functionality to find your armies and see your supplies and assets

Widely extended 86 pages manual.


Over two hundred new leaders (with individual portraits) for the War of Austrian Succession

Rise Of Prussia Video Guide

New unit graphics

New Scenarios - 1741 Maria-Theresa At Bay (Second Silesian War) - 1744 The Empire Strikes Back (Second Silesian War) - four-players Grand Campaign Scenario 1757-1763

Regional Decision Cards: these allow you to interact with the game by playing decision cards on the map. The system has been developed and improved from other AGEOD titles, and all existing scenarios have been updated with them

New Map Filters, to allow you to check weather and terrain

More unit features to better represent 18th century siege warfare

Two-years of game improvement and updates included (the game has all latest patches and changes included)

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