Fancy Pants Adventures

Hey guys!As you can see if you’re here the site is back up and it’s gone through a little redesign. Please be patient while we figure out what we need to add and alter, if you have any suggestions feel free to post them in the comments!The forum is no more since we’ve moved onto our own Discord server.

Find out in Fancy Pants Adventure: World 2 where the Angry Rabbit has stolen the Fancy Pants Man's delicious ice-cream award. Winning the Squiggleville Fancy Golfball tournament with his energetic kicks and swift moves, Fancy Pants Man will not let go of his reward that easily.

If you haven’t joined the Discord chat feel free to check out the “Follow Us” drop down menu to get to the invite link!Brad will be starting up livestreams again soon and we’ll be doing our best to keep this site as updated as possible. Thank you for your patience 🙂– Fairly. Oh hey, new trailer up on Steam, release date should be announced tomorrow!Spot the new Fountain Pen Abilites!—-Still fixing up bugs here and there, but at this point there’s mostly waiting until the actual release. When is that, eh?

Should be a date and new tailer dropping soon 😉I’m going to try to make some posts to help keep my sanity before launch (yeah I know I always say that, right?).In the meantime, I found this trip down memory lane, might be a good refresher before SFPA hits. I’m seriously honored that someone thought my games are worth such a detailed look (no pressure for SFPA or anything, lawlz!), so please help me throw some views and thumbs up his way! We’re here, we’re alive!Sorry for the absence, we’ve been scrambling quite a bit this past month. We had some small setbacks so we weren’t able to get W4 out this year. 🙁Right now we are planning on an early 2017 release. We haven’t had too much to show off just because a lot of what Brad is working on is spoiler-filled. He’s also been working with artists and on the music (which is amazing), but it’s also something that needs to be ironed out before we post anything.It’s probably important to mention that this will actually be a substantial sized game.

Brad has tackled a lot of this by himself and it’s much larger than any of the other games he’s released (larger than all FPA games put together). There is a LOT going into this game and as much as we would have loved to get it out in 2016 we didn’t want to rush release and deliver an incomplete game. Nothing worse then releasing a game and saying “wait for the update THEN it will be REALLY good, promise!”.Brad said he’s going to be around on here so if you have anything you want to ask/say to him leave it in the comments! Hey guys!We’re still here! Just trying to cram everything we want into the last remaining time before release (remember we said before the end of the year, that’s still the plan!). Brad has been working a lot on animations!

He’s done some really interesting stuff and hopefully we can get another video out soon. Brad wants to save some of the new stuff for the lead up to release because he doesn’t want to post a ton of spoilers.However, I can tell you that we have artists working with Brad on the levels.

I’m actually really excited about the artists Brad is talking to because I’m a fan of their art styles and I’ve loved their interpretations of Brad’s style so far. I’m very picky about art in FPA so I guarantee you’ll like what they’re delivering. Once I have some solid level shots for y’all we’ll get into who they are.Here’s some new animation for y’all to check out. Hey guys,I didn’t realize how long it’d been since there had been a post on the site. Brad mentioned before that I’ve taken over the social media for World 4’s development.

Someone mentioned on there that the blog hadn’t been updated in a while and I’m sorry about that. With me handling Facebook, twitter, and instagram I kind of pester Brad for snippets and small things here and there because the whole point is to foster interest and grow the audience there.For the blog, Brad likes to break things down and explain what he’s doing so posting small things with cheesy quips doesn’t really work here.He’s kind of been inundated with work as of now, working really hard to try to get the game released before the end of the year. There’s a lot he wants to talk about but he’s also trying to make sure that he’s making something that his y’all (and all FPA lovers) will enjoy. Meanwhile I’m chirping in the background “Brad! I need something to post this week!” or “Ummm can I post what you’re doing right now?” which probably isn’t helping his focus much.

Social media is a necessity to get the word out though, so hopefully he doesn’t mind too much.Is there anything y’all want from me? I mostly try to keep the blog as Brad’s thing since Bornegames is his creation. Mostly I just post small things on social media and then reply to questions.Brad should be posting something soon. Right now he’s just plowing through stuff.I also noticed that there have been posts on the forum about my updates on social media and AJ32 noted that I was in Boston (btw AJ32 I like need to send you a fruit basket or something, you’re awesome).Between May and July Brad was working on things that he didn’t want to post because, well, spoilers. Let’s just say this was a very frustrating time for me as a social media manager. I was also in Boston for a period of time for a vocal conference.

I never mentioned it here (I don’t think) but I’m finishing off a degree in vocal performance which isn’t easy with Brad working full time and three kids under the age of 5. It’s been an interesting year.In short, guys, we appreciate y’all. Please don’t think you’re being ignored. I can’t reveal anything without Brad possibly hitting me over the head with a frying pan (just kidding, he’d probably glare at me then roll his eyes) but my experience is this game is going to be good. Really good guys. I can say 100% with confidence that this game will be amazing, and that’s not the supportive wife role, that’s the “I’m a female gamer and I will not sugar coat this because doing so will completely make me look like a tool”.

This is relevant to your interest.I’ve mentioned this offhand on the forum, but I wanted to bring it here. I’ve taken over @runfastrunfancy on Twitter and also The Fancy Pants Adventures on Facebook.All of you here on the site know that Brad and I really love tailoring what we do to what the fans like to see so I wanted to bring this to all of you.What is it you want to see here? On social media?Do you prefer videos, images, bullet point outlines, or maybe random pictures of cats? Do you like constant updates when we mention the little things changing or for us to just wait until we have bigger, more substantial news?Honest feedback is really appreciated guys. I don’t want to post useless information or spam your inbox or twitter/facebook feeds (although they hide stuff pretty darn well unless you pay, jerks).Look forward to hearing from you!– Fairly. Update 1-5: I thought it was about time the Spiders got some animation love. How’s that look?Update 1-4: Fixes to the camera, that running animation is finally in (have to be going pretty fast now), half of a new kick animation, minor collision fixes.

Lorelai’s car is a 2000 Jeep Wrangler (although in the show it is said to be a 1999 model).A couple of episodes ago, a connection was made between Lorelai and from The Dukes of Hazzard when Lorelai chose to wear denim shorts to Chilton. Gilmore Girls was filmed on several of the same sets at Warner Brothers as The Dukes of Hazzard – Stars Hollow High School was previously the Hazzard County Courthouse, for example.After Gilmore Girls run ended, Lorelai’s Jeep was auctioned off in 2011, and sold to the highest bidder. The original Jeep was made in 1941 for the military, and was the primary four-wheel drive vehicle used by the Allies; after the war they were produced for civilian use. Gilmore Another thing they have in common is that they both drive Jeeps – but Daisy’s was white, while Lorelai’s is tan. Does it have any distinguishing marks – besides the word Jeep imprinted on it’s forehead?Jeep is a brand of American automobile, made by Chrysler; their range is in sport utility vehicles and off-road vehicles.

Fixed a problem with predicting the ground, which messes up only one background changing jumppad? Ugh Oh well:pants:Edit: So I was making a video for some of the new features and my hard drive and video card both decided to die at the same time.

I’m back up and running now (with an old laptop drive instead of an SSD, boo), but the video’s going to take a bit longer now.Another post, another apology for not posting in awhile! Things have been extra crazy over here lately, but I think it’s time to start talking about the next step for The Fancy Pants Adventures.I’ve been rebuilding FPA from the ground up in ActionScript 3 (yep, finally made the jump), and focusing on the very core of the Fancy Pants games.


I’ve been polishing and rethinking the movement and controls, along with adding a few new features that AS3 allows, and I finally have something to show off.This is pretty quickly thrown together (no preloader or sound, sorry!) but I think you’ll be able to get a feel for the new handling on Fancy Pants Man there, as well as check out a few new features for the engine.The focus for me now is refining older features and better utilizing those features without piling more on, as I tend to do with each new game. But, I’ll be talking more about the future after the holidays!I threw level 1 of World 1 in there too for comparison, though there’s one new hidden level in there, also (was actually supposed to be something there in the first place, but I guess I forgot?).And of course:Merry Christmas!

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